I learned a valuable lesson about late starts. Only getting on my bicycle by 11:00 AM felt terrible, I slept in too much and was not respectful of the climbing I would have to do in order to make it to Lake Crescent at 400 meters. Perhaps the adrenaline from the first day had worn off, but I feel more stiff today than yesterday. The riding was slow going, I didn't know if I would make it to the campground in time. In the future I need to cut down on the time it takes me to prepare camp every day. I think this is something I will get better at with time - as I learn what I need and don't need. But now I am so clearly a city-kid, out of my depths and having a tough go of it. I suppose that was the point of this trip.

Thankfully the slow riding paid off, Lake Crescent is among the most beautiful places I have visited. Crystal clear water, a vibrant blue color which is hard to describe, apparently the waters appear so blue due to a lack of nitrogen in the water (need to confirm). As you enter the park, the north side is entirely paved footpaths and bicycle paths rolling through stunning temperate forests with ferns and moss. Devil's Punchbowl was a nice reward at the end of a de-moralizing day of cycling. At the crest of the lake this small alcove has a 10 meter cliff which you can dive from straight into the glassy water. It felt amazing to have the dive, like a giant reset button on life. If only every day could have hikes and dives into pristine lakes...

I realized that I want to expose my kids to nature at an early age in their lives. My family did some outdoor things, but I was always weird about it. I hated camping, too many bugs, bad sleep, no video games. As a child I just wanted to lock myself in my room and escape from the challenging dynamics of not fitting in. I regret that decision, if you wan to call it a decision at 6-8 years old, I am coming to being an outdoors person later in life at the whopping age of 26. Most get their start earlier with summer camp, but it's never too late.

I met a family from North Carolina traveling to all the national parks with their son by camper-van. Lot of inspiration there, that's good fun to enjoy as a family and makes for memorable adventures. Thank you Everett for helping me out of the water!

Overall a great day, devil's punchbowl, rainforests, and a lovely campground. This might be fun.