Instantly I feel better, Oregon is breathtaking - Donna you were so right! The coast is totally untouched and the towns sprinkled in are quaint beach towns surrounded by forests. The cycling is great and I've picked up a tailwind finally.

At behest of so many I have finally taken a 'rest day'. I don't think I can take a zero day just yet, but I only cycled 60km today which was relaxing. I had lots of time to stretch, eat well, and arrive to camp. Tomorrow I'll do the same and take another 60km half day.

Lately I have been listening to Hardcore History on the bike. It's my favorite history podcast, right now I am in the middle of a 10 hour - 5 part series - on the decline of the Roman Empire. History has always been fascinating to me, and the host (Dan Carlin) does an amazing job of discussing the human experiences of the past. Thankfully Dan isn't a historian, so his story telling is much more dramatic and emotional than reading a textbook. Definitely give Hardcore History a listen on your next bicycle tour.

Lots of people on the coast for Labor Day, lots of sunshine and children playing on the beach, people hiking with their families, and convertibles going down the coast. Every so often someone in a Sprinter or Corvette will honk and wave, giving me a thumbs up and a holler of encouragement. It feels nice to be supported by total strangers - thank you.

The town of Seaside, OR is great. They a large beach, cute homes, and lots of restaurants and attractions in town. Seems like a lovely place to be. I stopped at Ruby's Roadside Grill and had - what is rare for me - a hamburger.

Today involved two massive climbs, both at the end of the day as I was riding through Oswald State Park. The views were so worth it. The photos are some of my favorites, I've included them so your can see. Please enjoy!

My friend Craig came out to see me - thank you buddy. It made a world of a difference to see a friendly face, especially someone who has done a trans-american bicycle tour. Thanks for the advice, beers, and company. My loneliness has passed. I would love to come back and ride the coast again with you!

Caught the sunset on the beach and had a nice sleep.