I am sitting by the beach, in an alcove of trees. The beach is flanked to the left by a 200m cliff covered in evergreen trees. To the right is a sweeping beach three rock islands in the distance. The sun has just set and the golden-blue sky is receding as the moonlight pierces through the trees. Above me, the trees point to infinity - the night sky is clear as glass and the stars are sharp. At my feet the fire flickers offering some comfort, mostly warmth to wet clothes.

The beauty of the coast is profoundly affecting me - I feel that I am losing my sense of self, I am falling into the vistas and forgetting about the aches in my legs. Two half-days have proven successful and my body feels much better. Tomorrow I hope to make it to Carl G Washbourne State Park, which should be yet another gorgeous coastline campground.

Since yesterday I have been leap frogging a group of three friends, also cycling down the coast. We have stayed at the same hike/bike campgrounds at Nahalem and now Cape Lookout. They are much slower than I am, however I am stopping much more frequently to stretch and snack. Tomorrow will be 100+km and I will need an early start - something that is proving challenging with drying clothes, making coffee, and packing the tent.

I feel that I am on the precipice of enjoying the journey, it has been quite challenging until now, but things are looking and feeling better. I think I am happy.