The tailwind today was unbelievable, I was sailing down the coast, hardly pedaling (15 meters per second I thin). It has exhilarating. Today was the first day of pure fun, no pain, no exhaustion. This ride was a blast, and featured some great descents. Take a look at the photo graphs for September 6th and 7th!

(uploading might be slow so check back)

I think my mind and body has adjusted to the daily riding. I am starting to have fun. I met a father and son traveling down the coast from Seattle and they were also having some aches and pains from being on the bicycle all day. Dan and Ethan were kind and took an interest to my bicycle setup, we talked a bit about taking too many items and having to send them home. We will probably be leap frogging each other for the next few days. 

I saw a grey whale! They are migrating during the summer time along the Oregon coast. Ranger Laurent from the top of the lookout was kind enough to show me the adult whale just off the coast. He said of the 25,000 whales on the pacific coast, Oregon is expected to have about 300 during September. 

The Oregon State Park system is fantastic, it is well funded, the park employees are happy with their jobs, friendly, and helpful. All of the services offered by the park, from showers, to lockers, to bicycle pumps are in excellent condition and well maintained. So far, this is the best state park service I have seen in the United States.

Tomorrow I will take it a bit slower, doing 60km mostly flat with a tailwind to Carl G Washbourne Beach. I might even stay there an extra night to take a zero day, rest, and recover. But so far things are feeling good.